Media Expertise: East Asian Affairs, Chinese Politics, Regulatory Failure (Food Safety, Aviation, Fisheries, Environment, Financial)
““China’s sheer size and unwieldy bureaucracy make food safety hard to manage...But, Beijing’s solutions have also failed.” ”
Media Interviews
“Chinese government moving swiftly with food safety reforms.” CNBC, 13 August 2018
“How China’s swine fever epidemic turned into a global crisis.” Quartz, 9 October 2019
In the News
"Yasuda takes the pulse of food safety regulation," Southern Weekly, 4 June 2015
"China's urban sprawl raises key question: can it feed itself," The Guardian, 16 February 2015
"China's top-down food safety system is failing," China Dialogue, 24 September 2013
"Anything Goes in China's Food Safety System," New York Times, 24 July 2014
"China distillers accused of lacing baijiu with viagra," The Financial Times, 3 August 2015
"Food safety scandals bring reality check to chinese dream," ChinaFile, 23 May 2013
"FDA moving too slowly to promote private inspections," Food Safety News, 6 September 2013